Now that March 2020 is completed, TMP celebrates its first birthday! And we’re in second place in “The Financial League”.
Since the CoronaVirus (COVID19) originated in China, we can start with two apocryphal Chinese sayings:

  1. May you live in interesting times.
  2. In Chinese, the word for crisis, also bears the meaning of opportunity.

Even though they are not really Chinese sayings, they are both absolutely true now.

Before we examine the ‘interesting times’ and ‘opportunities’, let’s check the standings.
‘Gold’ is still solidly in First Place but has not increased as much as you would expect in a ‘crisis’.

But TheMonopolyProject jumped to 2ndplace!

Equities (VTSAX – Total Stock Market Index Fund, VTSAX – Total Stock Market Index Fund) collapsed to below their value a year ago; down 10 – 20%. From an investment point of view, you would have been better off in cash. Bonds (VBTLX – Total Bond Market Index Fund) fell slightly since last month but still up about 8% over the year.


How did we accomplish that? Mostly by the other, equity investments (stocks, REIT) falling due to the ‘end of the world’ CoronaVirus.

Here’s the last four months:

last four months

TheMonopolyProject formula for TOTAL EQUITY is:

TOTAL EQUITY of TMP = ‘Bank Account’ + ‘1 SHF – estimated equity’ = $108,346

How did we get to the ‘REO Owned Estimate ofEquity’ of $49,771 for the month of March?
We used the arithmetic average of three websites (Redfin, Zillow, that estimate home values.

The Redfin estimate was flat, Zillow estimate increased as did the Realtor estimate. But note that the Realtor estimate is still below the purchase price!? Do you believe that?

Are these ‘interesting times’? Absolutely. Nothing like this has happened in this country. Is there an ‘opportunity’? Absolutely.