This month we are finishing the review of three two of the six books from last month as below:

  1. Genesis and the Big Bang” (224 pages, paperback, 1991) by Gerald Schroeder: He is a physicist and a Jewish theologian. In this 1991 book he attempts to reconcile the age of the universe, about 13.8 billion years, according to our current physics knowledge known as the Big Bang Theory and the Biblical (all in the Old Testament book of Genesis) record of “six (or seven) days plus about 5,700 years” calculated by adding the 14 plus 14 plus 14 generations from Adam to Jesus Christ. The insight, that according to Special and General Relativity, time passes differently for different observers, might explain the 13.8B versus six or seven days. I was disappointed though, that he did not quantify the argument. But all in all, a very interesting observation and it is plausible. See video review below combined with next book.
  1. Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe” (576 pages, paperback, 2021) by Stephen C. Meyer: His claim “the data support not just the existence of an intelligent designer of some kind—but the existence of a personal God” based on three scientific revolutions/theories: The Big Bang Theory, The Fine Tuning Observation and Information Coding in DNA.

      All in all, both books are hugely entertaining and raise interesting and satisfying answers.