Today we are reviewing five books and repairing a Polar watch:

1. “Ireland: A Concise History from the Twelfth Century to the Present Day” (272 pages, paperback, 2005) by Paul Johnson. Paul Johnson passed away this month. He was a historian, a GIANT. I’ve read some of his other books and came across this ‘small’ book on the history of Ireland. Since Michelle’s father’s father emigrated from Ireland and in memory of Johnson, I bought this book. Outstanding. The very first sentence states the thesis and is both interesting and provocative “The English presence in Ireland arose from the failure of Irish society to develop the institution of monarchy.” The Amazon description is: “Drawing from a wealth of historical and scholarly sources, Johnson traces the important social, religious and political development of Ireland’s struggle to become a unified, settled country. Johnson describes with accurate detail Ireland’s barbarous beginnings, Oliver Cromwell’s religious “crusade,” the tragic Irish potato famine, the Ulster resistance and the outstanding fact of the constant British-Irish connection and the fearful toll of life it exacted. Among the anonymous multitude are famous names such as “Silken Thom” Kildare, Thomas Wentworth, Archbishop Plunkett and Lord Frederick Cavendish. And yet many great men marshaled their energies and wits to settle Ireland: Sir Henry Sidney, Sire Walter Raleigh, Edmund Spenser, Churchill, and others.”
It was so good that I didn’t finish it. There was too much detail, too many Irish and English names, too many Irish locations. I even skipped forward to read some more recent history and again, too much detail.
- “Stand” (114 pages, paperback, 2022) by Pastor Jon Benzinger: From a local church we visited: “You are in the midst of the greatest attack on Christianity in your life. Make no mistake, the war is coming for you. The question is, will you be ready for it and will you fight or fold? This easy-to-understand book clarifies the change you’re sensing in our culture, at your church, your job, or your school, and gives you tools to stand faithfully against this aggressive and heretical attack on the gospel. Jon Benzinger is the Lead Pastor of Redeemer Bible Church in Gilbert, Arizona, contributor to the Redeeming Truth podcast, founder of, and President of the Redeemer Center for Church Leadership.”
3. “The Shores of Tripoli” (419 pages, paperback, 2017) by James L. Haley: Recommended by Glenn Reynolds of
“BACK TO NAVAL FICTION, I’m currently reading the Bliven Putnam series by James Haley and quite enjoying it. Early US Navy instead of Royal Navy, opening with the campaign against the Barbary Pirates. Well written and entertaining, highly recommended. Posted at 10:19 pm by Glenn Reynolds on Apr 15th, 2023”.
From the Amazon description: “The first novel in award-winning historian James L. Haley’s brilliant adventure series featuring young midshipman Bliven Putnam as he begins his naval service aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise. Rich with historical detail and cracking with high-wire action, The Shores of Tripoli brings this amazing period in American history to life with brilliant clarity.” Like the Alaric Bond British Fighting Sail novels, this is based on actual history, in this case, of the US Navy and Marines.
4. “100 Questions Every First-Time Home Buyer Should Ask” (480 pages, paperback, 2018) by Ilyce R. Glink: This popped in a web browser ad and I bought it. From the Amazon description: “From the most trusted name in real estate, a new and fully updated edition of the indispensable guide that helps first-time buyers land the home of their dreams.”
5. “Commercial Real Estate Investing for Dummies” (400 pages, paperback, 2022) by Peter Conti and Peter Harris: I stumbled across an ad for a video “How to Turn 2 Houses into 34 Apartment Units” by Peter Harris. Interesting, but I wasn’t impressed. Then I read that Harris was also the co-author of the ‘for Dummies’ book on Commercial Real Estate Investing. I have always been impressed by the ‘for Dummies’ books. They are always, in my experience, worth reading on that subject. I have flipped through it and it is excellent. From the Amazon description: “If you’re looking for more detailed advice on the commercial real estate market than, “Buy low, sell high,” you’ve come to the right place. Commercial Real Estate Investing for Dummies is where you can find the smart, straightforward, and accurate info you need to get your start―or grow your portfolio―in commercial real estate.”
When I’m not TMPing, I am keeping busy with practical work. Here my friend Peter shows how to repair a Polar watch: