Every month we show what is on our reading table.

This month we added no books; NOTHING.

Nothing because we are still busy with much personal and business activity going on. Birthdays, homecomings, graduations, a commercial property in escrow, stabilizing our most recent purchase…

  1. The Other Half of Church” (240 pages, paperback, 2020) by Jim Wilder and Michel Hendricks: This book was mentioned during Pastor Tim’s (Christ Greenfield Church) The premise of the book is that our brains are wired left half/right half being equivalent to rational/relational or thinking/feeling. Modern church has become mostly left half/rational/thinking as opposed to the opposite. To advance, we need to bring the right half back. I’ve read the first few chapters and am impressed. One of the principal arguments is that we have lost the “joy” of the right half. I agree with that; both personally and for ‘modern’ man.

Not pictured:

  1. The One Year Bible” with help from the “Lutheran Study Bible“.